Please Do More

Please Do More Blog Long

It has taken me a little bit of time to process and reflect on the events that shook our country on Friday.

As someone in a position of leadership within our community and the wife of an immigrant raising two sons of mixed race, I have a message and a request that I need to share.

Please Do More.

While I was shocked and heart broken at the horror of the actions from one human being to the innocent lives of others, I was also not surprised, which is possibly just as heart breaking.

My husband and I will be married eight years this year and we have been together for 10 years. His best friend and who was his best man at our wedding is Muslim.

For the entire decade I have been side-by-side with him I have witnessed first hand the hatred and racism directed right to his face – including this morning.


No child is born hating another child.

They have no idea about 'race' and 'skin colour'.

Hatred does not just happen.

It grows.

It grows from the seeds of language imprinted into the minds of young children from adults, even before they have the ability to speak.

It grows from the actions of human beings to each other, slowly, but with the damning impact an iceberg can have on a seemingly stable boat.

There is so much under the water you cannot see.

I have seen more of that iceberg than most, but I am under no illusion that a lot more grows deeper and continues to feaster.

Please Do More.

I have watched over the last few days and seen candles and images posted to social media. I have seen Facebook profiles changed. I have seen people attend vigils and also posted this.

With a lot of love and respect I beg you….

Please Do More.

Please do more to stop the hatred and racism from spreading.

Please do more to treat others with empathy and love.

Let me tell you of a couple of incidents that happened to my husband recently.

Last year my husband did some food deliveries for a fellow business we were building a partnership for our food kitchen venture. This was a good way for us to support them and see the back end of the delivery business.

We saw the back end all right.

We saw how privileged, generally white people treated my husband as an ‘Indian delivery boy’.

Yes he was called a ‘delivery boy’.

A man who served our country in the New Zealand Police and Army, father of two sons and owner of two businesses was called a ‘delivery boy’ simply because of the color of his skin and his job.

One remarkable day he was doing a drop off to the Remuera Farro Fresh – one of Auckland's most up market areas.

Once he dropped off the deliveries, he went inside to buy a coffee.

A lady in her 50’s said to the barista ‘are they even allowed to buy coffee in here?’


My husband at the home show last weekend when asking people if they had double glazing, had some literally shove their hand out to him. They could have just said “yes we do thanks” or “no we do not but thank you for asking” and moved on.

Our two son’s were there and saw this. We had to explain to them why people can act this way because, of course in their world, it feels very wrong to treat someone like that.

Just this morning my husband went into our courier company for a meeting (about postage for our business). He went up to the receptionist and gave the name of who he was there to see. The receptionist very rudely asked him if he had filled out his job application and bought his paper work as “it should be fairly obvious at this stage” (that you need to do this).

She assumed again because he is Indian and coming into a courier company that was what he was there for.

Just assumed. Just spoke down to him because that is how 'they' should be spoken to.

This was today – three days after the worst act of racism our country has witnessed in some time.

Please Do More.

I have previously written about the disgusting behaviour of others in an attempt to destroy my business which let's just get real here is trying to help children and families lead healthy lives and have the best start to life.

Two weeks ago I was told by an other ‘lovely’ person of society (male by the way) that they would do what ever it took to “break me”.

Please Do More.

I challenge you to think about how you treat those around you. Especially those that are of a different race or religion.

I challenge you to think about how you treat those who are less fortunate than you or you believe are less fortunate than you.

I challenge you to think about how you treat those when they have made a mistake.

We are all human beings and we all make mistakes.

Do you check in with what is going on in their world first before you send a harsh email?

Do you consider that maybe they have their own icebergs going on underneath that you cannot see?

Do you let their mistakes go or kindly offer to work out a solution or do you try to break them?

Please Do More.

What our country experienced will not stop until each and every single one of us does more.

I believe my six year old son summed this up the best.


He made this picture last year and I have it right in the centre of our little container office.

It is the first thing I see before starting work each day.

Imagine if we could all treat others the way our beautiful children do.

This is the way that true love will shine through the darkness.

Please Do More.


Xoxo Dr Julie Bhosale, Vijay, Arjun & Sahan



  1. That was lovely Julie and so true, we do need to do more. I work for a courier company, in sales, and it breaks my heart when I hear customers speak to our couriers sometimes. Some of them honestly think they have the right to belittle them. I have told a few people off, both the public and my own customers, for their rude behaviour towards our people. And by people I mean my colleagues, our couriers and frontline support staff. No one should be belittled at their place of work, or anywhere for that matter!

  2. I like to think that I have never intentionally made someone feel any less because of their skin colour or religion or sexuality, but I know there have been times when I have done nothing while others have. Your message is a reminder that there is something we can all do when we encounter discrimination. We can speak up. We can do more.

  3. Hi Julie and family, I feel your pain I’m indian and married to a cook island doctor. We have our own businesses but still it’s hard for people to believe that we can afford some of the finer things in our life. We consistently have to tell people that yes we mean we can buy expensive stuff and will not need to apply for financial assistance or loans. It’s sad that educated people are the ones who have worst attitudes towards colour.

  4. Leonie Caskey-HattonMarch 19, 2019 at 8:51 PM

    It’s sad what you have experienced, it’s the ignorance and stupidity of some people I understand only a little as I have experience a small sample of this as a woman, in my generation, we were less. I was recently in an upmarket hotel where I had been allowed to place my suitcase whilst I shopped prior to travelling to the airport. On entering the hotel to retrieve my suitcase, I was spoken to with disdain ( by a foreigner, and I was well dressed) until he realised that my suitcase was there, the immediate change in tone and manner was so. noticeable. Snobbery and ignorance exists but to me, really shows me how stupid some people are. Kia kaha, go well, you have a beautiful family.

  5. Hi Julie, i am so glad the Herald posted your article for more to access and read. I came across your beautiful post very early yesterday morning and felt like this was so worthy to be read by more and so had suggested this to the Herald, with all credits to you as the author. i was browsing on Herald again today, and came across your article on their platform. Not sure if that resulted from my email to the Herald but either way, very nicely written Dr Julie, so simple but yet so heart warming. Thank you for sharing. :)

  6. I’ve been thinking a lot too about how I need to do better. I need to be kinder to everyone, including those that my own bias might cause me to give less than I could give. Like the beggar who hasn’t washed and smells! The rude person in a que. The driver who cuts me off. We never know their stories and they may need my compassion more than the others I’m happy to do little courtesies for. While I say I’m not racist I know I was raised in a country which practiced institutional racism in the 19th and 20th centuries with the Maori and the Chinese just to start with. Sayings that were used in every day usage such as “don’t be a Jew” , when meaning don’t be tight with your money, have their origins in racism, with the intention to disparage a particular group or race of people. I was exposed to racist language growing up and it wasn’t until I was an adult I realised that I was affected. I thought I wasn’t racist because I didn’t deliberately abuse anyone of a different race. As a child I had no understanding that I was being raised in an environment which taught us to be racist. Now that I try not to be, I wonder if by trying too hard I’m being racist.

    I have never had a problem with standing up to be counted and have always spoken up for the underdog but believe I need to do better with all people. We all need to call out those racist and sexist jokes because language is what perpetuates racism and sexism. They are not funny if you truly do not believe in stereotypes and racism. We all need to stand up against the myriad of racist behaviours that occur on a daily basis for those who are different to us in race. If nothing else has stood out for me this past week it is that every race/ culture bleeds, cries and laughs the same. Everyone loves their children and families. Race is irrelevant for these human attributes. Let’s practice being better humans every day. That’s my promise to myself. One by one we can change our world. We have to. Let’s all be counted.

  7. I’ve been thinking a lot too about how I need to do better. I need to be kinder to everyone, including those that my own bias might cause me to give less than I could give. Like the beggar who hasn’t washed and smells! The rude person in a que. The driver who cuts me off. We never know their stories and they may need my compassion more than the others I’m happy to do little courtesies for. While I say I’m not racist I know I was raised in a country which practiced institutional racism in the 19th and 20th centuries initially with the Maori and then the Chinese. Sayings that were used in every day usage such as “don’t be a Jew” , (don’t be tight with your money,)have their origins in racism, with the intention to disparage a particular group or race of people. I was exposed to racist language growing up and it wasn’t until I was an adult I realised that I was affected. I thought I wasn’t racist because I didn’t deliberately abuse anyone of a different race. As a child I had no understanding that I was being raised in an environment which taught us to be racist. Now that I try not to be, I wonder if by trying too hard I’m being racist.

    I have never had a problem with standing up to be counted and have always spoken up for the underdog but believe I need to do better with all people. We all need to call out those racist and sexist jokes because language is what perpetuates racism and sexism. They are not funny if you truly do not believe in stereotypes and racism. We all need to stand up against the myriad of racist behaviours that occur on a daily basis for those who are racially different to us.

    If nothing else has stood out for me this past week it is that every race/ culture bleeds, cries and laughs the same. Everyone loves their children and families. Race is irrelevant for these human attributes. Let’s practice being better humans every day. That’s my promise to myself. One by one we can change our world. We have to. Let’s all be counted.

  8. Stereotypes are like a dog’s tail - hard to straighten. I actually lived in Remuera and whenever the ubiquitous question ‘where are you from? ‘ came up I would reply I am from Remuera, where are you from? In New Zealand everyone is from some place else.


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