Celebrating 3 Years and ‘Getting Lucky’

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This time three years ago I officially launched my new business as ‘The New Mum’s Nutritionist’ which became Dr Julie Bhosale once my thesis was complete. March 24th to be precious, at midnight! I believe that calls for a celebration!

I feel that here in New Zealand we have such a ‘tall poppy’ syndrome and do not celebrate our wins or our mile stones nearly as much as we should. My personality certainly does not like to either so I am breaking my own mold with a business birthday celebration week! Three years of blogging, posting, coffee group presentations (which are now national tours), writing books and most importantly working closely with many families, mums, dads and little ones!

The heading of this blog should really say 3 years plus another 10 behind the scenes…..to mark the time I started my own nutrition (and then also personal training) consulting and three ‘failed’ business attempts with this!

A story for another time I promise….

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But one thing I can say with absolute certainty is that there is no luck involved in business. It is something that gets bantered about far too easily and has even been told straight to me ‘oh you are so lucky’. If by lucky you mean the 10 years I have spent in University study including 4 years of a grueling doctoral thesis (with two children) as luck then sure!

'But your blog (that blog) just went viral'….oh it was luck? Not that I have blogged every week for three years even when I did not know what ‘blogging’ was?

If you want a chuckle, come check out my first ever blog, it was on spinach, riveting stuff really I promise!

Luck does not really factor into the equation when facing so many fears day in and day out. Over the last three years I have felt fear at times that almost makes me stop breathing. Fear in business comes in many different forms – financially, work volume wise, being in the public eye, speaking, connecting with people, trusting people, writing a book with no advance, doing a thesis!!! Just to name a few.

I am learning that it is when I am most scared that I am doing something right!

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My husband and I have started this business from nothing – no big investor, not a dollar from anyone, in fact barely even a dollar to our own names – everything has come from us. A start up business in its rawest form.

I really cannot believe it to be honest. If someone told me three years ago that I would be here – one published cook book, one new book literally ABOUT to be released so actually written with a publishing deal AND having presented to over 70 people outside of Auckland on the weekend, I would have just thought they were having me on!

So seriously this week is a celebration and one I hope to continue over the years. To celebrate the hard work (not luck), the passion and the values of this business….to celebrate the lives I have been able to touch and the many more that are to come.

Most of all to say thank you – to all of you. Thank you for reading my work, my posts, hearing me speak believing in me, in us, in our dream.

People are everything in business, in life, in family,

Let’s celebrate that this week!

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Xxx Dr Julie Bhosale



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