Ice Cubes With A Twist!

Ice Ice Baby!!

Summer is coming and so is the heat! Keeping little ones hydrated is so important when it is hot.


Our current Ministry of Health Guidelines are for children to just have water or milk offered as drinks and if juice is given that this should be watered down. Sadly this is not always the case with 5000 children under the age of eight currently being admitted and going under a full anesthetic to have decaying teeth removed. The ONLY time our boys have ever had juice has been at their birthday party once a year and that is always diluted down with either water or soda.


One alternative that both of them love is a cold brew herbal tea (Red Seal do a great range). At our eldest's sons four year old party this year we actually did not even have juice, rather just soda water and some herbal tea for everyone - it worked so well. For something a little fun last weekend, we had a go at making some ice cubes (in animal and heart shapes) from herbal tea and they were such a hit!

These are so simple to make, the hardest part was of course waiting for them to set!


What You Need:

Herbal Tea (a good amount!) - I recommend Red Seal

Ice cube trays or fun chocolate molds (ours are from Steven's for $4.99 each)

Large jug or drink dispenser (ours is from Kmart $9.99)

Slice of lemon (optional)

Mason jars (optional, though great for children!)




You can check out our full vlog on this (coming tomorrow to you-tube)

1. Make the tea by placing a reasonable amount of tea bags into a large jug or drinks dispenser.

2. Pour into molds and place into the freezer (you will need to allow 3 hours to set fully)

3. Take out and place into a mason jar, add water, lemon and go! You will also find little monkeys want the ice straight up out of the trays....why not!



P.S Even big people can enjoy animal ice cubes!

xxx Dr Julie Bhosale 



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