Guest Blog - Lifestyle Cover

When I asked our Facebook community for advice and tips on preparing for a baby one of the areas which came up a few times was insurance. This is something I also strongly recommend looking into. I can hand on heart say medical cover was a godsend for both of our boys - who required seeing a specialist for ear infections and asthma symptoms at a very young age and thanks to medical cover this was all possible!

(You can read more tips on preparing for life with a baby in the previous blog here).

Nicole Dellow is a mum of two and runs Lifestyle Cover - I meet Nicole when pregnant with our second baby and she was a HUGE help in making sure we were fully covered and had the best insurance deals possible - and not just medical cover, Nicole also looked into our income protection and life cover which we had done in a hurry as our first baby arrived early. I have a guest blog from her on the importance of private medical cover for your new baby!


Why to Arrange Private Medical Insurance for your Newborn/Child

- Nicole Dellow, Lifestyle Cover

We all like to think that nothing will ever happen to our precious new arrivals and although it’s a nice outlook to have, unfortunately ‘life happens” and events can affect our family and health that are not always foreseen.

New Zealander’s are well known for insuring their cars before their own health or income which is crazy when you think its your good health that allows you to live your life to its fullest and your Income which provides you the means to pay for everything, including the very car insurance you have in place. As at the last census it was calculated that a massive 24% of us live with a disability! A lot more than we realise and with little support from the government in the way of the sickness benefits or unemployment assistance we really rely on Insurance to take care of the unexpected.

But why arrange cover for your newborn baby? Here’s a few key areas to think about on just how valuable arranging Private Medical Insurance early in life can be:

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- No exclusions on their cover:

Overtime we generally have a illness or injury that can affect us either just at the time it occurs or continually. Arranging insurance for your newborn means you are likely to have no exclusions on their cover for the lifetime of the policy, so that means everything is insured and all conditions are considered for claim. This sets them up for life and is a great start to putting their Health needs first, the most valuable cover is one without exclusions.

- Gives you access to ALL the treatment options:

Medical Insurance with the right Insurer will provide your baby with access to all the medicines available whether those medicines are subsided by the government or not, we call these unsubsidised drugs non-pharmac and they can cost $100,000's!! A lot of people may think that Private Medical Insurance is not as important in New Zealand because we have the Public Health Sector and although it can work well for you in some cases the government cannot afford to cover the cost of all the treatment options now available throughout the entire world. You may have seen cases where people are left fundraising on Givealittle whereas in some cases if they have the right Private Medical cover they wouldn’t need too. As not all providers cover non pharmac drugs it’s essential you are insured correctly and gain expert advice before making a decision.

- Speeds up the wait time for your operation and places you in a private facility:

One key benefit most of us are aware of is Private Medical Insurance will do what it implies and place you in a Private Hospital instead of a shared public facility. It also places your little ones treatment as a higher priority by way of shorter wait times from specialist appointment to operation. Examples of common operations for children are Grommets, Tonsillectomy, Adenoidectomy.

There are many reasons to arrange Private Medical for you and your whole family and taking the time to make sure the provider you pick includes the latest comprehensive offerings is vital.

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For more information on how to arrange affordable medical cover please feel free to contact Nicole from Lifestyle Cover on 0211303967, or email and an experience Registered Financial Adviser will provide you with the advice you need, completely free of charge! You can follow Lifestyle Cover on Facebook here and check out


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