The Baby View - Guest Blog!

Hi, I’m Gemma the Owner and Editor of The Baby View. I am a Mum of one beautiful 3 year old girl who looks like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth (but on some days I know better!)

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I absolutely love kids! When I left school it was my intention to become a teacher, so I started a BA at The University of Auckland. When I got to the end of my BA, I didn’t want to stop so I continued on with an MA. By the time I had completed my MA I had spent 5 years at Uni, so was sick of the poor student life! It was my intention to work for a couple of years and then come back to finish off my teaching diploma. Well, that didn’t end up happening!

Instead of doing that, I got married, bought a house and joined the Corporate business world! Then I fell pregnant with my daughter. I had always said to my husband that I wanted to spend as much time at home with our children as possible, but unfortunately money does not grow on trees! I was very lucky to have an employer that allowed me to work some of my days at home, but the work slowly but surely encroached onto my time with my daughter. I needed a solution!

In 2015 I started working in pre-school music with Kindy Rock and rekindled my love of working with children. Plus, it had the added bonus that I could work from home, so that meant more time with my daughter! When the opportunity to take over The Baby View came up at the beginning of 2016 I jumped at it, as I had been an avid reader of the site for a long time.

The Baby View is a fantastic community of Mums. Our mission is to provide great advice and support for mums on their motherhood journey. This advice and support is provided on several different levels…

  • We publish regular articles which provide practical advice on raising a modern family

  • We have a wonderfully supportive Facebook community

  • We have a growing Instagram community and love to see pics of your cute bubbas! Use #babyviewpics so that we can find them!

  • We support Mums in Business by promoting their products and services to our readers

  • We provide product reviews so that our readers can purchase awesome products with confidence and support local NZ Mums in business.

You can also gain instant access to our Super Parenting Tip

We would love to see you join us and you can check us out on…


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See you soon,



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