50 Names for Sugar

Sugar is sugar. You can give it which ever name you like but it still has the same effect on your body.

Sugar photo

That is causing your pancreas to produce the hormone insulin to allows cells to absorb glucose attempting to keep your blood glucose levels stable - but in doing so cutting off your body's fat burning mechanisms (hence insulin is called your 'fat storage' hormone).

Some forms of sugar do have other nutritious properties making them a much better option to choose from than your refined white sugar, my top preferred options include honey, fructose, low GI sugar and lactose.

When it comes to reading food labels however it can be really tricky to know just what you are getting. That is because there is so many forms and names of sugar. Recommended guidelines (which I endorse) are to aim for under 10g of sugar/100g especially if it is refined sugar so always check the ingredients list as well.

Here is just some 50 odd names for sugar you may find on food labels!

  1. Barley malt

  2. Barbados sugar

  3. Brown sugar

  4. Buttered syrup

  5. Cane juice

  6. Cane sugar

  7. Caramel

  8. Corn syrup

  9. Confectioner's sugar

  10. Date sugar

  11. Dehydrated cane juice

  12. Demerara sugar

  13. Dextran

  14. Dextrose

  15. Diastatic malt

  16. Diatase

  17. Ethyl maltol

  18. Free Flowing Brown Sugar

  19. Fructose

  20. Fruit juice

  21. Fruit juice concentrate

  22. Galactose

  23. Glucose

  24. Glucose solids

  25. Golden sugar

  26. Golden syrup

  27. Grape sugar

  28. Granulated sugar

  29. High Frustose Corn Syrup

  30. Honey

  31. Icing sugar

  32. Invert sugar

  33. Lactose

  34. Malt

  35. Maltodextrin

  36. Maltose

  37. Malt syrup

  38. Mannitol

  39. Maple syrup

  40. Molasses

  41. Muscovado

  42. Panocha

  43. Powdered Sugar

  44. Rice syrup

  45. Sorbitol

  46. Sorghum syrup

  47. Sucrose

  48. Treacle

  49. Turbinado sugar

  50. Yellow sugar

If only reading labels was easy!! I honestly wish this was something taught in school!!

You will notice I didn't talk about calories here...that's because counting calories won't tell you what nutrients you are putting in your body. As part of all my 1:1 consultations I do a full nutritional analaysis, including working out average sugar intake and then work together to find ways to reduce this down - without cutting everything out of your diet. We all have vices (myself included) and it is really important to make sure changes will work with the ups and downs that comes with motherhood. My Kick-Start Package is very popular which includes the full individualised consultation plus a follow up appointment and a life-time membership to my VIP group where there are mums in there from all over the world.

For other helpful blogs looking at the sugar intake of different foods check out these blogs below:

xxx Dr Julie Bhosale



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