Getting Makeup Lessons - with Eleanor Dorn Makeup

We are now firmly in the thick of the festive season. This brings along with it a lot of family and social occasions. As many of you know I spend a significant portion of my time presenting and being in front of people. Getting presentable for such engagements is not an easy task when covered in children! This year in particular I have spent a lot of time on the road, little monkeys in tow and very much awake when getting ready in the mornings. I wanted to share with you something that was really invaluable in helping me not only look presentable but feel really good too.

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Previously, the only make up lessons or guidance I ever had was back in 2006 (yes nearly 10 years ago) at a shop in the mall. The Body Shop from memory. One of those 'come in get your make up done and purchase some products' experience. Yes 10 years ago! It was fair to say my make up collection was a little worse for wear and something that pretty much came at the bottom of the priority list with the arrival of little humans. Even with some of my more bigger occasions and photo shoots when I started my business I enlisted the help of a make up artist to do it for me, but of course when touring on the road this is not possible!

I had been using the amazing Eleanor of Elearnor Dorn Makeup for nearly two years now. She did the most wonderful job for myself and the mums in the photo shoot for my book The Nourished Baby. So I plucked up the courage to book in for some one-on-one lessons with her. It may sound silly but I was really nervous about this but knew I needed to stretch out of my comfort zone.

It was the best thing I ever did and I wished I had done this sooner.

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Eleanor does these lessons in her studio based in her home. Instantly I felt more comfortable then being right in the view of everyone as you are in a shop. Firstly we sorted through all my existing make up...not that I had a lot, Kmart featured a lot and I have to confess there were some things I had in there where indeed over 10 years old! Eleanor did support me in 'permanently removing' some these ancient products, however what I really liked was that she worked with what I had. For example, my eye shadow from Kmart we have kept and the final look we did was done with this eye shadow!

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Next step was to look at foundation. In my list of 'ancient products' was a powder which was all I had ever used on my face. I had never bought foundation or applied some in my life - hand of heart! It just seemed 'too scary'. Elearnor stepped me through the whole way, firstly talking about skin care before even applying foundation, helped choose a good tone colour and excavate how to apply it and with what brushes. We actually had a lot of fun doing this.


Another little confession of mine was that I had been using a dark black eye liner to do my eye brows (I need that emoji of the monkey covering his eyes here!). Eleanor promptly made me throw that out so I was not tempted to go back to it, sorted out the color I needed (ah a blonde colour not black!) and also how to properly shape them. I am still not as good as her but it is a significant improvement from my eyeliner!

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We covered everything from mascara, to lip stick - there was so much I just had no idea about. As an add-on to the make up lessons we also went through styling my hair including how to curl it as this would also be really helpful for me to be proficient at while on the road. Eleanor has created her online line of makeup and brushes (very impressive) and at the end we worked out what would be very helpful for me to have and what I could add later on keeping budget in mind. It was so reassuring to get everything in one place and of such high quality.

By the end of the lesson I had a natural look, which I was able to do myself and most importantly felt comfortable but very confident wearing.

Before and After

It is not to say that I still do not get nervous when putting on make up and initially I was a bit daunted at doing it myself, especially when mornings are really chaotic with the kids, but Eleanor encouraged me to just keep practicing and to just modify what I needed for the time I had and where I was going as well.

Having these lessons has saved me so much stress and is something I wish I had done five years ago when first going back to work with Arjun - it would have helped so much.

I still got a lot to learn and love all of Eleanor's makeup videos which I highly recommend checking out for loads of helpful tips and demonstrations. You can also follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

Hope you have a great festive season!

xxx Dr Julie Bhosale



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