Product Review - ecostore Detangler

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Nourishment for your body is not just with food. Our skin is our largest organ – what we put on this (and our hair) does really matter. Our skin is very permeable so it absorbs a large percentage of what we put on it. For this reason, I have always used ecostore products, especially the baby range with my boys. The ecostore is a New Zealand based company which began here in 1993 and only uses plant and mineral based ingredients in their amazing range of products.

I still get nostalgic about their Baby Sleepytime Bath which I used when the boys were small enough to fit in the kitchen sink! We are well and truly beyond the new born stage (for now!) so I was very happy when the new kids range was launched earlier this year…and now they have another new addition to these products!

Taming Wild Locks

Both our boys have been blessed with beautiful mops of thick hair. Our first son somehow sprouted ringlet curls which I held of cutting these as long as possible (until he was nearly three). While the tight ringlets are sadly gone he now has a thick mane which is rather uncontrollable at times. Sahan, our second son was actually born with a full head of hair!

The boys are super active which means we get a lot of interesting objects stuck in their hair - mud, sticks, glitter, left over name it. They also really love swimming and while I am not a huge fan on the chlorinated pools it is unfortunately a necessity.

Swiming hands up

The ecostore have just launched a new conditioning detangler with the sole purpose to ‘un-tangle the jungle knots’.

It was like it was made for our boys hair!

Detangle 1

Our boys love the water so bath time is always fun and games. Hair washing however is not their favourite part but, and even less so is trying to comb their wild mops….

Thick curly hair plus a strong willed toddler is almost mission impossible.

Hair pull

But I found taming their locks so easy with this new ecostore detangler!

To truly put this to the test I used the detangler after a swim with both boys. A good foam up with the ecostore kids 3-in-1 conditioning shampoo (and body wash) then a quick spray and a comb through with the detangler and we had silky, soft and devine smelling hair again. The boys even liked combing each others hair!


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So mums with children who also have unruly hair, very long locks or children who just run away when they see a comb….you will want to get your hands on this nippy quick! You can also use it on dry hair. As this product is made only from plant and mineral based products, for those with children who have very sensitive skin or excema – this is also a must-have product for you.

hair brush 2

The ecostore detangler is suitable for children from the age of two years and is available from your local supermarket, along with all their other homeware, personal and special baby and kids products.

All products

If you are really interested in knowing all about the ingredients that are used in the ecostore range (and also what ingredients to look out for in other products!!) there is a great table on the eco-store website here. I also know that you can grab a handy 20% off the ecostore baby balm when you sign up to their newsletter here.

Happy detangling,

xxx Dr Julie Bhosale

P.S The ecostore is a sponsor of our nation wide starting solids and book tour for The Nourished Baby – tickets are selling fast and I would love to see you there check out Event Finder for all details.

Start Solids Banner (cropped)


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