
Showing posts from December, 2016

Keeping My Promises

As we draw near the end of 2016 I cannot help but be in a reflective mood. It has been one of the most challenging years yet, though at the same time highly productive packed full of purpose, learning and growth. There is a lot for me to think about for next year. I am a firm believer in the concept of life by design. That we are in the drivers seat of our lives. Luck is not something that just ‘happens’. You create your own luck. Does that mean taking risks. Yes. Does that mean you are going to fall over. Yes. I am still I am still getting clear on exactly what 2017 will look like for me, for us. I have some time set aside of the next two weeks to create next year. However this post is actually about me making some changes even before next year arrives. A few weeks ago I experienced my first earthquake. You can read this in my previous blog here . Going through this, at a time when I was deep in the throes of work and deadlines, forced me to sharply take stock of just where I was at a

Online Christmas Ideas (and specials!)

So a small confession...I have not yet brought any Christmas presents (!!!). It is ok though right, we still have five days...ah four working days. I just have not had much mental energy to plan much past tomorrow let alone Christmas presents. Do not even think about physically going to buy did our parents cope without the world of online shopping??! I know you will all be busy running around at the last minute so keeping it short and sweet with some of my favourite online gift ideas which are really practical (I am ALL about the practical!) from all our brand friends AND some great deals and discounts for you (and yes I am a little biased with some of our most popular products in there too!). 1. The Gift of Health! My amazing designing created these beautiful vouchers which you can give for any amount for ANYTHING off my website! That included events - we have my Sugar and Sleep workshop tickets for next year available and our Starting Solids tour kicking off soon too.

Marriage - Five Years In Two Children Down

Life BC (Before Children)… Life with children is all our marriage knows – I fell pregnant while undergoing fertility testing about 2 months after we got married, pregnant against huge odds with sever polycystic ovarian syndrome, no period for over two years and was potentially facing three years or more of IVF. I have this vague memory of ourselves in life BC, the two years together before tying the knot, that involved a lot of breakfasts in bed, spontaneous weekends away, late night dinners (we actually used to Google cool new restaurants to go to at 6pm on a Saturday night and be out the door on the same night!!)….hour long showers and hot steamy nights….. I am sure we still fought but the above is all I remember. Life AC (After Children)…. Now we are knee-deep in parenting two young boys while juggling three business and an academic career in there too. Breakfast is coffee gulped down in the morning and if we are super lucky some scrambled eggs made with our four year old helping an