To our son's daycare teachers - an open letter of thanks

It is an emotional day.

Our son turns three today and leaves his daycare where he has been since 12 weeks old.

How do I say thank you to the incredible loving teachers who have looked after our baby for the last three years?

With tears in my eyes and a heavy, yet warm heart I write an open letter of thanks.




Thank You


Thank you for all the snuggles, hugs and kisses,2013-02-21 13.49.10

Thank you for all the loving bottle feeding,

Thank you for watching him roll over, start to crawl and start to walk,

Thank you for all the nappy changes,

Thank you for helping him sleep calmly and safely,

Thank you for wiping his nose 10 million times (crusty boggers and all),

Thank you for all the wonderful healthy nutritious meals,

Thank you for the animals (especially the tigers and lions),

Thank you for all the manners you have instilled,2013-10-07 10.04.05

Thank you for allowing him to take risks, to explore, to discover,

Thank you for teaching him how to take turns,

Thank you for your never ending patience,

Thank you for the sandpit, an endless place of possibility,

Thank you for developing his creativity with paints, drawings, messy play and playdough,

Thank you for teaching him how to cook,

Thank you for the space for him to learn to push a trolley, ride a bike,
climb planks and burn endless energy,

Thank you for showing him how to work through his emotions, frustrations2013-12-16 22.35.57
and disappointments,

Thank you for the place to create wonderful friendships (even girlfriends!),

Thank you for nursing his fevers until we were able to be there,

Thank you for developing a love and care of nature and the environment,

Thank you for allowing him to be a leader and equally guiding him how to follow,

Thank you for the quiet time, the mat time, the stories and the books,

Thank you for the dancing, the singing, and the laughter,

Thank you for all the cars, trucks, trains and diggers,

Thank you for allowing our son to be himself,11873400_491320287699384_6164572709716647912_n

Thank you for helping us to work with sound peace of mind,

Thank you for passing on your wisdom, experience and support,

Thank you for all your love, your hearts,

Thank you for being part of our family,

Thank you for giving our son a home away from home,

Thank you,







xxxx Arjun's Mum (aka The New Mum's Nutritionist)




  1. Wow! So enjoyable to read letter like this. Happy kids and parents are the best reward for daycare teacher. I dare swear!


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