
Showing posts from March, 2015

Breakfast Muffin

This is a really simple recipe which can easily be added to and adjusted. Packed full of vegetables and protein it will be a hit with children and adults alike and can be a great on the run snack as well. Prep time approximately 5-7 minutes, cooking time 25 minutes.   Ingredients: 4 Eggs 2/3 Cup of Cottage Cheese ¼ C of plain flour (can easily substitute for gluten free flour) 2/3 Cup of almond meal 1 Teaspoon of baking powder 2-3 Tablespoons of water Pinch of salt ½ C of grated cheese and extra for the top 1 Carrot grated 2 Handfuls of spinach finely chopped Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 180°C and grease a 12-hole muffin tray (spray olive oil works best) 2. Mix all ingredients except eggs together 3. In a separate bowl whisk the eggs well and then add the remaining ingredients 4. Spoon into muffin tray, top with cheese and bake for approximately 25 minutes or until tops are golden. Enjoy!! Variation: You can also add bacon and onion or finely chopped mushroom.   xxx Dr Julie Bhosale

The Ultimate Chocolate Shop!

In September last year my husband and I went away on our first ever holiday since our first son was born (I was 5 months pregnant with our second son at the time). We went up to Russel, in the Bay of Islands and stumbled across the  Newport Handcrafted Chocolate shop !! Now hang on a second I can hear you say...a nutritionist in a chocolate shop??!! Yes you heard right!! But it is not just any chocolate is the ultimate chocolate shop . My philosophy around treats is 1) to allow yourself to enjoy them, in moderation and 2) to make sure that they taste absolutely amazing!! This normally means that they are made from whole foods, use fresh real ingredients and ideally are not something that you would expect to have every day (or have access to every day!). The hand-crafted chocolate from Newport Chocolates falls right into this category. I am also a firm believer of having an understanding of where your food comes from, this gives you an appreciation of the work and love that h

Gluten-Free Carrot Cake with Coconut Butter Icing

As many of you know I have a real weakness for cake! Here is a great healthier alternative to your traditional carrot cake and I have played around a bit to create an icing free of refined sugar! This cake is made from  coconut flour and therefore is gluten-free. Coconut flour is made from coconut solids which have been ground into a very fine powder. This product is increasingly being sold in health food shops and your local supermarkets. It is more expensive than your normal flour but it also has a number of considerable health benefits: *Gluten and wheat free * Higher in fiber (5g/tbs compared to 2g/tbs in whole-grain flour or 0.8g/tb in white flour) * Higher in protein * Higher in beneficial fats – remember your body NEEDS fat for your immune system, vitamin absorption (of fat soulable vitamins), as a long lasting fuel source and to add the removal of toxins and cholesterol from the body! Due to the high fat, protein and fiber content coconut flour will help to control your blood

Why I am not exclusively breastfeeding - confessions of a nutritionist mum

This blog has been quite hard for me to write and taken me a few drafts! I sincerely hope that it helps another mum out there feel at peace with their own choice of how they feed their baby. My First Experience This story really starts with my experience breastfeeding my first son (now aged 2). As a nutritionist and lecturer prior to having children I taught the importance of breast-feeding. I KNEW how important it was – but I had no idea just HOW HARD it could be. I thought I was prepared. I read books, practiced with balloons in antenatal class, but in reality I had absolutely no clue. By the middle of the second night after my first son was born, I already had raw painful nipples. My milk did come in but every feed was painful and getting worse, especially on my left side. I tried every cream on the market, every breast-feeding position, even my midwife struggled, we just could not get him to latch properly. I was feeding semi-ok on the right side so why could I not get the left sid

Easy Vegetable Muffins

These are a household favourite and make a light fluffy muffin, perfect for hiding vegetables in (especially the green leafy kind) making them a hit for little ones and adults. At approximately 35 cents/muffin they are also a very cost effective healthy snack!   Ingredients: 250grams (1 ¾ C) self-rising flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 cup grated carrot 1 cup of chopped spinach (or any other vegetable e.g. broccoli, corn, capsicum or leek 2 eggs 1 cup plain yoghurt (check out my yoghurt blog here ) Directions: Line a 12-hole muffin tin with paper cases and preheat oven to 180C. Place flour, baking soda and vegetables in a large bowl. Mix eggs and yoghurt together (in a separate bowl from above) and then add to flour along with vegetables. Fold gently together Spoon mixture among cases and bake for 15-20mins. xxx Dr Julie Bhosale

Today I wanted to quit motherhood....

Today I wanted to quit motherhood. It was always going to be bad today. I was up so many times in the night on Saturday I was just glad that morning came – simply because it meant the night was over. One of THOSE nights - and you know the day is going to be hell, surviving like a walking zombie. Somehow knowing that just makes it worse. In the same breath, I still wanted to be there 110% for my children and so we stumbled through. It was about 4pm. I had almost made it through the weekend…. but not quite…I was just totally mentally and physically exhausted. I was out of reserves. I had already dug deep and deeper again. It was not a terrible day, we have certainly had worse (vomiting bugs take the trophy here). It was just a day of constant giving to my children, on very little sleep and right then I just wanted to quit…motherhood that is. Do not get me wrong, I love our children more than words can describe but I just wanted a day, hell a night and a day…no that would be like a vacati