
Showing posts from January, 2015

Pregnancy Journal 39 Weeks

This will highly likely be my last blog before I become a mum again. I will be completely honest I did not think I would get this far. I am now 39 weeks and 2 days pregnant. This is a common theme among most of my pregnancy blogs as you will have no doubt picked up! This blog follows on from the one I wrote nearly two weeks ago  (read here ). I am a qualified health professional but I am first and foremost a mum. I hope that in sharing my thoughts and emotions with you, it may help another pregnant mum out there who like me, is worried, anxious and excited all in one. [caption id="attachment_897" align="aligncenter" width="168"] 39 Weeks + 2 Days[/caption] To look back and think for the last 9 weeks I have battled with pelvic a rthropathy which has been very sever in the last few weeks….how can I explain the marathon I feel like I have been running day in and day out. Pelvic pain has just become part of every day life for me, I almost cannot imagine what

Feta, Green Pea & Mint Fritters

  These fritters are nothing fancy but are very versatile, you could have them any time of day and are super easy to pop into a lunch box. Plus they are a good way to sneak in some good greens and include mint which is especially beneficial for keeping your immune system strong and aiding digestion. I actually created these fritters very pregnant with Smushie and I cooked up extra to pop in the freezer for his impeding arrival!   Ingredients: 2 cups of frozen peas (I used mint flavoured frozen peas) 2 Eggs 1/2 C Milk 1 C of whole-meal flour 3 tsp of baking powder 100g (approx) of feta cheese, cut into small cubes 2-3 large spinach leaves chopped finely 1/4 c (approx) of fresh mint leaves, chopped Handful of grated Edam cheese (optional, or a good substitute if you do not have feta in the house!) Directions: 1. Defrost peas in a bowl of water in the microwave, drain and set aside. 2. In a large bowl add eggs, milk, flour and baking powder, whisk together (a hand whisk is perfect for thi

Jamie’s Tasty Tomato Tart

Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamins A and C and folic acid. They contain a wide array of beneficial nutrients and antioxidants, including alpha-lipoic acid, lycopene, choline, folic acid, beta-carotene and lutein. Alpha-lipoic acid helps the body to convert glucose into energy. Lycopene is the antioxidant that gives tomatoes their rich red color and is our major source of this micro-nutrient. Choline is an important nutrient found in tomatoes that helps with sleep, muscle movement, learning and memory. Choline also assists in the absorption of fat (a fat-soluble vitamin). I have a recipe for you, adapted from one of Jamie Oliver’s, which I hope provides you with a different (and tasty way) to include tomatoes into your diet. This is a slightly ‘more complicated’ recipes, especially if you have not worked with filo-pastry before but after you have made it a couple of times it’s a great little meal to make up on the weekend and have last the week for lunches and/or fast dinners. Ingre

Setting Great Goals

It is important for me to talk to you about goal setting. Not just because it is the New Year – there is never a perfect time to set a goal…but if there was a time the New Year is a very natural time to do so…It is important I talk about goal setting because this is the first step to you achieving your health and wellbeing dreams, especially in regards to your nutrition. This is the fuel you provide your body, your growing baby’s body and your children’s bodies with. Change is DARN HARD. Even for those that you think it comes easy for. As human beings we resist change. Your nutrition and health goals may be big or small. It really does not matter (and who gets to say they are big or small anyway) – what matters is how you go about achieving them. So let’s start today. Working in the health industry for over 10 years now I have seen it all when it comes to goal setting. Being a highly goal-orientated myself I have learnt a few tricks in regards to setting great goals here are my top ti

Full Term Pregnancy Glow and Pelvic Arthropathy

Current status: 37 weeks, 4 days. What I would like to be writing is that in this beautiful weather I have been spending care-free time with my family basking in full term pregnancy glow. We even have gorgeous pregnancy photos which would suggest this…. But this is not the whole truth. I have been really struggling at the tail end of pregnancy and in wanting to keep up with the ‘super mum’ act have kept rather quite about it. However, a big part of my business is sharing authentically some of the realities of motherhood and for me there has been another side to the third trimester. Please do not think I am just going to launch into a tirade of complaints about the negative aspects of pregnancy. I feel incredibly privileged to have such problems. We wanted this baby so badly, experienced the devastation of a miscarriage and went through the first stage of assisted reproductive therapy to conceive our miracle baby. All along this journey, even now, we have experienced the pure joy that