Healthier Apple Crumble

Recipe 1

This is a great dessert to whip up on a cold winter’s night – you can actually make it easily in single serve ramekin bowls and is so full of nutrients you could even have the left overs as a breakfast option! This recipe made four small serves but you can easily adjust the ingredients according to your family size.



2 Red Apples washed and sliced (skin on)

Cinnamon (amount to your liking)

Nutmeg (amount to your liking)

1/2 cup of rolled oats (or 1 cup of almond meal for a gluten free option)

1/2 c desiccated coconut

20g butter

Cream or unsweetened yoghurt to serve (optional)


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 180 °C

  2. Place the apple slices in a loaf tin (or oven proof dish) and sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg

  3. In a separate bowl, place in oats and coconut then cut in butter to resemble fine breadcrumbs (like when making scones)

  4. Sprinkle crumble mixture over apples and cover with tin foil. Bake for 30mins covered.

  5. Uncover and bake for another 20mins (or until top is golden) and serve warm with whipped cream (cream actually has less sugar than ice-cream!)

Note: You could also add finely chopped nuts (walnuts would be great) for an extra protein boost.

Recipe 2

xx Dr Julie Bhosale




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