Becoming a Soccer Mum!

2014-06-14 09.19.30Inspiration for this blog came from reflecting on our day (Saturday) while watching Arjun in the bath. Saturday was our second soccer morning – but the first one with Arjun in his ‘Little-Kicker’s’ uniform, and now very much part of the ‘team’. In turn, I felt like an official soccer-mum. Little Kicker’s is a soccer programme designed especially for introducing toddlers into soccer. I found out about it from a friend (always the way) and was delighted that they took children from 18-months old. It’s not that we have a driving ambition to turn Arjun into the next All White, rather, he is a VERY social, active boy who thrives off on being around other children with an activity to do. So we enrolled him in soccer on Saturday mornings and years of Saturday sport now stretch out before us.

I could not help but reflect on how fast life has changed for us, and interestingly I have no regrets. Both my husband and I have been avid sports people our entire lives, and while we still try to keep active (as much as humanly possible, which let’s be honest sometimes is not a lot), any scheduled, organised sport has long since stopped. As working parents the only time we have for activities with Arjun is the weekend and we would not have it any other way. This is what we work so hard for – to be able to provide our son everything that we can. So we have soccer on Saturday mornings, and swimming on Sunday. Personally, I do not feel I miss out on time for my own sport. This has been replaced by the pure pleasure of seeing our son happy and developing.

The joy on his face when he comes running into the hall and starts kicking the balls around…nothing can describe this. Watching him in his little uniform, nappy sticking out the top, I have images of him growing up on the sports field. One day he may not even want me to come to his games or practises, but for now he’s my little man, running around with a nappy underneath his uniform excited and happy to be learning something new. Seeing his determination to master the skills shown to him, frustration when he can’t get it and joy when he does – makes everything worth it. So many times I have doubted myself as a mother, but in this little moment I cannot help but feel proud and that maybe, just maybe we have got something right :)

2014-06-14 09.04.30

Keep an eye on future blogs to keep sharing the highs and challenges of parenthood and of course hot nutrition tips and recipes!!

Xxx Julie Bhosale


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