5 Awesome Ways With Spinach

Spinach is one of nature’s super foods. Rich in vitamins and minerals, it is also concentrated in health-promoting phytonutrients such as carotenoids (beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin) and flavonoids to provide you with powerful antioxidant protection. While most vegetables have these benefits, spinach has a special claim to fame in terms of its phytonutrient content. Researchers have identified more than a dozen different flavonoid compounds in spinach that function as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agents. And for those who remember Popeye you will be interested to know that apparently after his debut, America’s spinach consumption increased by 30%.

Naturally all mum’s want their children to be spinach-lovers so here are some easy ways to hide a whole bunch of spinach in your meals and children will not even notice – how can I be sure? Our Bam Bam has personally tested all of these options and has given them his seal of approval.

1. Put it in a pie – a homemade pie of course. I find a chicken pie works best for this but really that is the beauty of a pie you can hide most vegetables in there and it will go unnoticed.

2. Put it in a muffin – a simple vegetable or savoury muffin recipe you can easily add finely chopped spinach to.

3. Put it in a smoothie – yes it will make it a green smoothie but a great way to start the day.

4. Put in in an omelette – Just see my Pure and Simple Omelette Recipe.

5. Put it in a slow-cooker recipe – literally you can add 5-10mins before the end of cooking time to almost any slow-cooker recipe.

In my weekly nutrition nugget this week I will have two  Pure and Simple Recipes which include spinach be sure to sign up on the website to receive these and as a bonus you will also get information on my number secret on how to lose your baby weight, my world famous almost-sugar free cookie recipe and my three top tips on how to deal with cravings.

In the meantime please let me know if you try out any of these ideas or how you manage to sneak spinach into your family meals!

Xxx Julie Bhosale, The New Mum’s Nutritionist


  1. Great suggestions Julz, do you have any recipes for the dishes mentioned above?

  2. Hi Ginny,

    Thank you for your comment!! I sure do have some recipes. Check out my omelette recipe in the recipe section of my website and here is a super easy smoothie recipe:

    1/2 Cup of milk (can use coconut milk/almond milk)
    1/2 Cup of plain unsweetened yoghurt or Greek yoghurt
    1/2 Banana
    1 Tablespoon of L.S.A (ground linseeds/sunflower
    seeds/almonds) - this can be optional
    2 Large handfuls of fresh spinach (or frozen about 1/2
    2 Ice-cubes

    Simply put it all into a blender and give a whiz until smooth! You can just use 1 cup of yoghurt or 1 cup of milk if you do not instead of 1/2 and 1/2.

    Let me know if you try it!! And if you subscribe to my weekly nutrition nugget (just enter your email on the right) - you will get a new recipes each week :)

  3. Cliff Morgan-FrenchMarch 25, 2014 at 10:44 PM

    Hi Julie, a friend has just introduced me to your site. It looks great. I have recently started adding spinach to my smoothies. Instead of needing to add ice cubes I peel my banana and freeze it beforehand. My smoothies also have frozen berries so the purplyred colour tends to hide the green. I also add 2 raw eggs to mine, but my wife gets a sore tummy if she has eggs in hers.

  4. Thank you so much for your comment! Great suggestions you have as well - that is the awesome thing about smoothies is that you can add a lot of different things in them! Frozen banana definitely works well if you are a bit prepared in advance and berries are an excellent source of antioxidants. I would probably recommend having either berries or banana rather than both just to keep the glycemic index level of the smoothie down. You are game with the raw eggs I think I would be with your wife on this one but of course people can always try it out - just for anyone pregnant or trying to get pregnant this is not advised but the LSA will provide extra protein and sources of essential fatty acids. Love to see some photos of your smoothies feel free to post them on Facebook!

  5. Nice Plugins,, Thanks For Sharing�.

  6. Your very welcome!

  7. […] This recipe also uses spinach which is one of nature’s superfoods and important to have in your diet regularly. Check out my blog on the benefits of spinach and other ways include it in your day here. […]


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