
Showing posts from April, 2017

My Baby is Getting His Wings

In six months my first son, Arjun, will turn five. Five! We have just planed his birthday party. I am being very organised because after five years of parties I have learnt that you need to be. However, while I may be ready for his party I am definitely not ready for him to be five. It feels like yesterday I had a curly haired toddler in a nappy with that sticky outing tummy and cheeky grin. And then someone sprinkled fairy dust and it seems like overnight I now have a fiercely determined, lean, near five year old with a undercut hair style. His cheeky grin is still very much there but the emotional outbursts that were so rampant in his younger toddler years are now replaced with an emotional maturity that at times wish I had. The ability to ask for his own space, take himself outside and punch pillows when he is very cross (something we have encouraged him to do). Do not get me wrong, toddlers are toddlers and while we still have some tantrums but they are becoming few and far between

Fabulous Feijoas

What are Feijoas? Feijoa's are a small oval-shaped fruit sometimes called a pineapple guava. Actually they taste a bit like a pineapple and a banana combined! Originally from Brazil and a few other locations in South America, New Zealand is one of the largest produces of this unique fruit. Feijoa season here in New Zealand is Autumn to early winter so are usually available from mid-March until early June. Nutritional Facts: Feijoas hold a surprising nutritional punch! Did you know they are actually a good source of fibre (keeping us regular), vitamin C (so help to combat winter germs) and a small amount of our vitamin B complex (which helps in the transfer of energy). I really like that these are a very seasonal fruit still here in New Zealand so it's like Mother Nature knows you really need these nutrients as we turn into winter! Eating Feijoas: This fruit perishes very quickly and needs to be consumed pretty much once they drop from the tree. I have lots of childhood memories

Peanut Butter & Blueberry Muffins - Gluten Free, Dairy Free and Sugar Free

The title says it all! Peanut buttery goodness with banana and blueberries (a match made in heaven) created into little muffin morsels which are gluten free, dairy free and sugar free! This recipe is made with coconut flour so is totally gluten and wheat-free and the blueberries provide just that little bit of sweetness. This is a perfect snack option for little ones, including infants as there are no grains at all (read why I do not recommend babies having grains or baby rice here ). It is also a great way to include peanut butter into little ones diets. Starting babies off on allergenic foods (including peanut butter) is hot topic at the moment, one which I cover in detail on my Starting Solids Tours - last one in Christchurch this weekend (for this half of the year) plus I have a whole section on this in my upcoming book.... I know, I know - it is coming I just have to wait a wee bit longer until August! But I do touch on this briefly in my Starting Solids Guide and

Are All Peanut Butters Made Equal?

Calling all serious peanut butter lovers - this blog is for you! I am a self-confessed peanut butter lover and the monkeys have followed suit (#mummysboys). This is of course not without good reason! Peanut butter is a very nutritious and versatile product. Made, by in large, from peanuts it is packed full of protein, good fats and fibre. In particular peanuts provide an important source of your essential fatty acids. However a question I get frequently asked is are all peanut butters made equal? Here I share the low down on this and what are some of my top choices in the market at the moment. A quick look in the supermarket aisle and you will find quite a large range of different peanut butter brands at varying prices. As a general rule of thumb with peanut butter you do get what you pay for - that is, the higher quality peanut butters will cost a little bit more - but trust me when I say it is worth it! They basically have more of the good stuff (the peanuts) with very little (if any