
Showing posts from January, 2016

Post PhD Submission...The Struggle to Recharge

It’s been nearly 2 months since I submitted my Doctoral thesis. I would like to say it has been butterflies and rainbows; but at times it’s almost been the opposite. I was on a massive high for a week or so, and then the reality sunk in….the fatigue hit me like a ton of bricks, to the point I would have to crawl back to bed when ever both boys were miraculously asleep at the same time during the day. The overwhelm of needing to deal with everything that had been outstanding for….months. Most of all my boys….my very brave boys who had been without me there 100% suddenly were off day care and desperate for time with me – and while I was equally desperate for time with them too, my reserves were so low, I was having to give while my own tank was blaring red. Each day felt so long, felt like a mammoth effort just to get through. Mentally, I had to do a 360 turn around from a high powered writing machine, running on adrenaline and incredible pressure to…well… being mum – just mum. My bigges

Simple Healthy Ideas for Kids Parties

This is something I get asked about a lot - healthy easy ideas for kids parties!! It is a tricky balance between providing food that children (and adults) will eat, is easy to prepare (or buy), is actually healthy and does not cost a fortune. Before I had children I had visions of being a mum that spent hours planning parties, posting ideas on pintrest, creating magnificent cakes and my children's celebrations as being a 'not-to-be missed occasion''. Fast track 3 years on - two children and a full time working schedule have quickly humbled me! In saying that I do actually love food, enjoy being in the kitchen and like having people over. Most of all as a nutritionist I do feel it's important to show your children you can have real food at parties - needless to say the party-struggle is very real for me. So here is some tricks I have thus used so far to navigate hosting children's parties (I am sure as my children get older we will get even more savy at the party

Super Savoury Mini Muffins

I make these delicious mini morsels all the time! They are incredibly versatile - a perfect little snack for on-the-go, afternoon tea (warm from the oven is best!), an easy lunch-box option or party snack! You can mix and match the savoury ingredients to suit your taste and these can be also made as normal sized muffins. I promise both adults and children will love them! Ingredients 2 cups of self-rising flour (or whole-meal/gluten-free flour and add 1 tsp of baking powder) 2 cups of grated cheese (and a little extra to sprinkle on top) 1 and a ¼ cup of milk 2 eggs 50g butter, melted 2 tsp paprika (optional) 2-3 rashers of bacon, pan-fried and finely chopped (or ham) ½ cup of red capsicum, chopped finely 2-3 stalks of spring onion, finely chopped Directions 1. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C and grease a mini-muffin tin. Put the flour and cheese in a bowl and make a well in the middle. 2. Mix the egg, milk and butter in a separate bowl then add to the flour. Add the bacon, paprika, capsicum