
Showing posts from September, 2015

Chocolate Cake Vs Your Sanity?...I get it....I totally get it!

That moment. That moment when you actually do not know if you can actually do it. If you can get through the next minute, no next second and be the mum you are meant to be. That moment when the slight bit of fear grips your heart and your brain goes into overdrive. I had it A LOT with our first son, less so with our second but last weekend I did and it reminded me that sometimes despite my best effort, it can come down to straight survival…humbled me to be really honest. There’s a time when perfect nutrition goes out the window – and it was not until I was a mum that I REALLY TRULY understood that. It was always going to be a more ‘challenging’ day than normal. The boys were up at 5am and we were going to a friends place for brunch in the middle of Arjun’s sleep time. We typically avoid this like the plague as the impact is just so not worth it (will we ever learn?!) We came home around 2pm, boys had crashed out in the car. Hubby had to go to a work meeting. Baby woke up and would not

Why I am in LOVE with avocados!

I LOVE avocado. We all have our fav foods…and avocado is it for me…it would be fair to say I am a tad obsessed with it…. it is no surprise of course that this is my logo! Here are 10 reasons why I love love love avos…p.s there’s some great nutrition info in this blog! 1. Avocado is incredibly nutritious – this requires mini points of its own: *Healthy Essential Fats -  Avocados are rich in healthy fats. 77% of calories in it are from fat, and the majority of the fat in avocado is oleic acid. This is a monounsaturated fatty acid provides long lasting fuel and is essential for our central nervous system, brain and skin. Oleci acid is linked to reduced inflammation and been shown to have beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer. Oleic acid, actually activates the part of your brain that makes you feel full so extremely helpful in offsetting those intense pre and postnatal hormones. Lastly the fats in avocado are also pretty resistant to heat-induced oxidation, making avocado oil a hea

Your Best Is Enough!

For weeks now, hubby and I have felt like we have been fighting to keep our heads above the water. We are battling on all fronts – we both have full time jobs, run two businesses and have my Doctoral thesis thrown in there for good measure. Least not forgetting our most important job as parents. We have felt the tug of war for our time and our energy at times exhausting. The work/life balance well and truly tipped (if you are separating work and life...which for us is always a bit blurred anyway!). We have to do lists a mile long each day and never complete them. The house is a constant mess, loads of washing that barely move from the floor to the wash basket. Toys that never get picked up. We work each evening and scrape out ‘date night’ i.e. both home together, not working for dinner on a Friday night – it’s in the Google Calendar so we don’t forget. Night time doesn’t signal the end of the day – that begins the night shift rotation and although our children are actually what we woul

PhD Watch - Time Minus 3 Months

For those new to joining me on my PhD journey, I now have 3 months left until my Doctorate thesis submission deadline (November 30th).   It’s been a tough month. Trying to create time to write when there is no time. Needing to fine tune my level of work output. I have been my own worst enemy. Huge self doubt has plagued me every day often to the point when even if I have managed to squeeze in time to write, I can’t because I just keep thinking of the mountain which is ahead of me. This is all part of the journey unfortunately and I have to keep fighting against it – I know the hardest part is yet to come.   In the face of all this, however small miracles have happened. I got my first research article published. I literally started writing this when our first son was just 6 weeks old and I had to rework this so many times to lift my standard of writing (while very sleep deprived!). I finally submitted it for review days before our second son was born and nearly 3 years in, after being r