
Showing posts from August, 2015

Apple and Walnut Muffins

I have a bit of a soft spot for muffins. They can be one of easiest homemade snacks, which come in a perfect portion - for us mums who are often eating on the run, needing breastfeeding snacks or have little mouths to feed, muffins can be genius!   With some simple switches I have created a healthier, yet still tasty version (toddler approved) of a traditional Edmonds fruit muffin recipe: Like a lot of my recipes this is a one bowl wonder, freezes well and can be easily adapted to suit your preference! Ingredients: 1 Egg 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil* 2 tbs of low GI sugar* 1 cup of milk 2 cups of wholemeal flour* 4 tsp of baking powder 2 tsp of cinnamon* 1 cup of chopped apple (skin on) 1 x 70g bag of walnut pieces* *Indicates where I have made some switches - reducing the sugar right down, changing the flour and oil, increasing the cinnamon and adding the walnuts. Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 180°C and grease 12-hole muffin tin (or mini-muffin tin). 2. In a medium sized bowl, m

PhD Watch - Time Minus 4 Months (...nearly 3 months)

For those new to joining me on my PhD journey, I now have 4…correction nearly 3 months left until my Doctorate thesis submission deadline (November 30th). I found out I was (miraculously) pregnant 8 weeks into my PhD and if you had told me then (nearly 4 years ago) that I would be here, two children later in the count down to the end I would not have believed you.   Belief….ah yes believing in myself…believing in the process…   Ok time for a confession. I do not believe I can do this. Period.   A couple of week back, it was midnight and I could not sleep. Our children were sleeping soundly in their beds, I was standing in the kitchen tears streaming down my face, fear wrapped around me and my heart and I wondered how on earth will I get through? I was glad on this occasion that our youngest woke and needed feeding (ah motherhood). I did eventually sleep but my self doubt remains.   I feel like I have got nowhere. I am still waiting for my revised manuscript to be reviewed again. I have

Kids Green Smoothie

A very simple healthy smoothie perfect for kids which has some great green stuff in it, including broccoli and avocado. The banana and berries provide natural sweetness, plus berries contain great antioxidants for little immune systems. Best of all this has passed the taste test of little man, in fact we made this two days in a row as he loved it so much (and being able to work the blender!). Ingredients: 5-6 florets of broccoli 1/2 avocado 1 banana 1 cup of plain unsweetened yoghurt (check out my yoghurt review here ) 1/2 cup of milk 1 cup of frozen berries (any mix will do)   Directions: 1. Gently steam the broccoli in the microwave with a bit of water, (I find 2 minutes does the job) and drain. 2. Place everything into the blender, pulse and adjust if need be! 3. Hmmmm!! xxx Dr Julie Bhosale