
Showing posts from April, 2015

Have Baby Go Travelling

I am not a traveler. I have been on a plane a total of three times in my life (now 4). To date we have never, ever taken our first child (now aged 2.5 years) away anywhere. After a recent trip overseas with our 11 week old (half for work, half for leisure), I learnt a thing or two about travelling with a baby and thought I would part my new found wisdom your way. 1. C heck the expiry date on your passport -  before you get to the airport check in counter - a long long time before… like ideally a month before. This will prevent your wife from having a near-nervous break down at the sudden realisation that she will have to fly on her own (having only ever flown in a plane 3 x in her whole life), with a baby for the first time not knowing if you will in fact be joining her overseas at all. (Hubby I love you, but please let's not go through that ever again). 2. F ind passports and have them in a known place at least a week before you travel, do not attempt to go on a passport finding